A Word from the author

As I began writing, I held a pen and a ledger pad in my hands. My small memories transformed into significant recollections and beyond. Swiftly, my imagination took control. Being an inherently curious individual, I relish sharing brief stories with my siblings, as well as with my children. I derive pleasure from narrating ghost stories and reflections on life as we experience it. Before long, I discovered myself thoroughly immersed. What I had penned down evolved into an obsession, compelling me to wield the pen and weave tales of numerous exhilarating concepts. Eventually, when I transitioned to typing, the pleasure intensified even further.

Margaret Teegarden

Entrepreneur, Writer and Speaker.

I am a true believer that in life.
All things are possible and that no matter how hard life gets you down,
please remember that there is always a silver lining at the end of the storm.
Don’t give up.
Be the storm.
Always Believe.

Yours truly,

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